WFS, WMS, ersiREST, json και SOAP. Μέσω των υπηρεσιών αυτών επιλέξτε τα επίπεδα: Cadastral Boundary (0) Cadastral Parcel (1) Cadastral Zoning (2)


Cadastral Maps. Cadastre is a technical term for a st of records showing the extent, value and ownership (or other basis for use or occupancy) of land. Strictly speaking, a cadastre is a record of areas and values of land and of landholders that originally was compiled for purposes of taxation. In many countries there is, however, no longer any

In the case of the urban, an example of it could be the number: 9578471 CA4523P 0003 WX ca·das·tre also ca·das·ter (kə-dăs′tər) n. A public register showing details of ownership of the real property in a district, including boundaries and tax assessments 2 dagar sedan · Rather, the cadastral boundaries are lines connecting points that have unique identities and records, through which they may be located on the ground. Accurate placement of these points on the cadastral overlay does not improve the accuracy of the definition of the boundary, which must be documented elsewhere. Sectorul cadastral fiind unitatea de suprafață delimitată de elemente liniare stabile în timp - șosele, ape, canale, diguri, căi ferate etc. Cadastrul unei unitati administrativ teritoriale sau al unui sector cadastral se poate realiza in doua modalitati: 2021-03-31 · cadastral (feminine singular cadastrale, masculine plural cadastraux, feminine plural cadastrales) cadastral; Derived terms . cadastralement; Romanian Cadastral Survey.


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Anmärkning: Jordabalken m.fl. fastighetsrättsliga lagar i engelsk översättning. Upplaga: 3 uppl. Utgivningsår  Siying Mi försvarar sin masteruppsats, som har titeln "Implications of a dynamic vertical root distribution for modelled water and carbon fluxes across selected  Bollnäs Cadastral map showing all buildings, lot nos./lines, house-numbering system, and simplified land use. Panel title. Non-built-up areas  Cadastral på engelska med böjningar och exempel på användning.

Translation for: 'cadastral' in Romanian->English dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.

ENTK 2500. USFWS National Cadastral Data. These datasets depict the boundaries of the lands and waters administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

In Poland, the cadastre is the basic register which is the source of information on cadastral entities and their property. Therefore, it should constitute a reliable 




cadastral (adj.) "pertaining to the valuation of landed property as a basis for taxation," 1850, from French cadastral, from cadastre "register of the survey of lands" (16c.), from Old Italian catastico, from Late Greek katastikhos "register," literally "by the line" (see cata-, stair).
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LC Land ownership maps, 11121 Blueprint. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Animas River Spill ArcGIS archeology Baseline Blackdom Cadastral City of RioRancho Climate data collection DEA Defensible Spaces Drought ESRI Flood geojson Ghost Town Cadastral income for properties located outside of Belgium.

Geodata division. Cadastral Leases. URL:
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Large-scale cadastral maps on parchment digitised. 8 november 2019. Detail from: Map of Kolje in Ärentuna, Uppsala county. Foto/bild: Uppsala University 

2021-02-11 adjective. (of a map or survey) showing the extent, value, and ownership of land, especially for taxation.

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Synonymer till cadastral. adjektiv. ((of or relating to the records of a cadastre)). Mina sökningar. cadastral. Rensa mina sökord 

cadastral (adj.) "pertaining to the valuation of landed property as a basis for taxation," 1850, from French cadastral, from cadastre "register of the survey of lands" (16c.), from Old Italian catastico, from Late Greek katastikhos "register," literally "by the line" (see cata-, stair). Cadastral parcel should be considered as a single area of Earth surface, under homogeneous real property rights and unique ownership (adapted from UN ECE 2004 and WG-CPI, 2006). Remark: By unique ownership is meant that the ownership is held by one or several owners for the whole parcel. 2021-04-18 · The Cadastre and the urban cadastral reference. Since we want to be a little more practical, we are going to teach you how is an urban cadastral reference and another rustic one so that you know how to differentiate one from the other.